Contact Us Your name Your email Your Phone Do you live in Texas? Please selectYesNo We only send demand letters in Texas at this time. Please check back in the future. What is the address where you live? Is it a house, condo, or apartment? Please selectHouseCondoApartment What is the name of the landlord on your lease? What is your landlord’s address from the lease? Please upload your lease. We must have a full copy of the lease that is signed by both parties. Are you behind on your rent? Please selectYesNo If so, how much are you behind? Has the landlord sent you any letters or emails regarding unpaid rent or any issues you are having with them? Please selectYesNo If so, please upload. Please describe in one paragraph the problem that you are having with your landlord. Is there a provision in your lease that you think the landlord has violated? Please selectYesNo Please explain and identify which paragraph of the lease you are referring to. Have you sent any letters or emails to your landlord about any of these issues? Please selectYesNo If so, please upload them here. If your landlord has responded to your email or letter, please upload that here as well. Docusign the engagement letter. (I’ll have to send you the letter) Pay the fee of $749 after docusigning the engagement letter. We will send you the online link to pay.